Make Things Happen Quickly And Easily With A Personal Loan.
A personal loan makes it easy to afford the things you need now, at a rate lower than credit cards or store finance.
Personal Loans can be used to finance:
- Cars, boats, motorcycles or caravans
- A wedding or honeymoon
- Home renovations
- Appliances
- Debt Consolidation
Renovating, holidays or just consolidating existing loans. Nexus will provide simple, straightforward advice to find the personal loan for you.
A personal loan may be secured or unsecured depending on your assets and financial position.
Secured loans require collateral and are best suited for building home equity, renovations or consolidating debt, and for major purchases such as cars, boats or caravans.
Unsecured loans do not require collateral and are useful for student loans, items such as furniture or large appliances and minor renovations or repairs.
Talk to one of our experts to determine if a personal loan is right for your needs.